Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp. Chlamydia is not transmitted by oral sex often enough to worry about. Receiving oral sex hiv medhelp

 Chlamydia is not transmitted by oral sex often enough to worry aboutReceiving oral sex hiv medhelp Oral sex carries little to no risk for getting or transmitting HIV

Hook. That is equivalent to having the same exposure once a day for 55,000 years and still maybe never catching HIV. Moreover, the 0. 3. You are not at risk for HIV from receiving (or giving) oral sex. unprotected penetrating vaginal with a penis. No case of HIV has ever been known to be acquired by fingering or kissing, even with cuts on the fingers, in the mouth, gum inflammation, etc. And minor cuts and scrapes do not impact that. The quoted, theoretical figure for HIV risk, if one has oral sex with an infected partner is less than 1 in 10,000 and, in my estimation that is too high. JASON_ALEX. No one has ever gotten HIV from receiving oral sex. Unprotected, I gave her and she gave me. (By contrast, when a person has performed fellatio on a man with gonorrhea, throat infection is quite common. If you stick with oral sex and condom-protected vaginal or anal sex, you have no HIV. 0005 x 0. I had met this woman on craiglist , I gave her oral sex for like 30 minutes. The only way to get HIV is if you did one of the 3. To the specific questions: 1) Herpes is a risk, but a low one. So, oral sex is not a risk. And oral sex risk is. As I had talked with him a few sentences before we actually engaged in. Actual things in the BJ: After a night of heavy drinking we went to this FKK place in berlin called Artemis. 2. Hunter Handsfield, M. We get frequent questions about STD/HIV risks associated with oral sex. Sort by: Helpful Oldest Newest. On the other hand for STIs which have lesions such as herpes, syphilis and HPV, condoms further reduce the risk for infection (typically by. There are a few reported cases in which HIV MAY have been acquired as the result of performing (not receiving) oral sex as fellatio and there MAY be one or two cases which were acquired through performance of oral sex as cunnilingus on an infected person. Helpful - 2. While it is very difficult to ever know how HIV transmission occurred, according to a factsheet on oral sex produced by the CDC in 20005, there have been a few documented cases of transmission during oral sex. D. Only adult risks are unprotected penetrating vaginal or anal sex or sharing needles that you inject with. Here are a few related comments: 1. Dear Dr. You didn't need testing at all and for sure did not catch HIV. wtkjhelp. Only 3 adult risks are the following: 1. I guess this. I have visited a CSW in 18th of October, and she performed unprotected oral sex to me three times and I ended up ejaculating every. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional. Are you using any creams or taking any medications? Helpful - 2. In any case, oral sex is safe sex with respect to HIV. As for HIV, your Dr. 00005 x 0. Oral sex is safe sex. Fellatio is the technical term used to describe oral contact with the. The only risks for HIV in adults are: 1) Having unprotected (no condom) penetrative anal or vaginal sex, OR 2) Sharing IV drug equipment with other IV drug users. Jonw285. If you stick with oral sex and condom-protected vaginal or anal sex, you have no HIV. A. The second predicts one chance in 20 million. Hi. We get frequent questions about STD/HIV risks associated with oral sex. Nobody in the world has ever been proved to have caught HIV from receiving oral sex; you. Some others suggest that there is an appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex however, there are no convincing scientific reports which support these statements. No, not after receiving oral sex (i. But I went to another forum (I. If your partner had syphilis with an infectious oral lesion, then syphilis transmission would havve been quite likely -- but the. Giving oral sex – this presents an extremely low risk. The most important thing is for you to use condoms consistently for vaginal or anal sex. The risk is so low that almost nobody who cares for HIV infected patients has ever had a patient. Oral sex will not lead to HIV transmission. 2. Hello, In Feb 8 I recieved an unprotected oral sex, both of us were totally naked, she grinded on my penis naked and at a point I felt my penis got inside her anus for some seconds. here's a new quote from DR HOOK / MEDHELP: As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. 01 (or 0. 4) With regard to HIV risk ONLY, do you suggest men to put condom while receiving oral from female from unknown status. No, not from oral sex and your genital exposure was condom protected. MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. Of course main concern is oral it seems alot of people now quote the CDC as saying 1 in 20k for insertive oral as though this is now a fact and people do get infected this way just not that often. from southern Africa). There is no other activity you could think of, including the event you mentioned, that would put you at risk for HIV. Giving is slightly higher risk than receiving. Some STDs (but not all) can be transmitted by oral sex or rimming, and the risk is higher than for HIV. acer1714. The risk of some STDs is zero for practical purposes, and for others the risk is very low. Latex barriers and medicines to prevent and treat HIV can further reduce the very low risk of getting HIV from oral sex. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services. please read the forum. Diabetes; Type 1; Type 2; Prevention; General Health; Weight & Fitness; Women's Health; Men's Health; Heart; Heart Disease; Heart Rhythm;. HIV has also been found in. The symptoms that you describe, burning on. Using condoms and other barrier methods can help prevent the. Assuming you are entering a long-term relationship with your HIV infected partner, you should plan on regular HIV testing, even. The risk of HIV transmission through oral sex is even lower if the HIV-negative partner is taking medicine to prevent HIV (pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP) or the HIV-positive partner is taking medicine to treat HIV (antiretroviral therapy or ART) and is virally suppressed. . It never happens. Close Can i get get HIV/other STD from receiving oral sex? Please help Desperatelyundeserving. Receiving oral sex would never expose you to HIV. DR. The only risks are to have unprotected vaginal or anal sex or to share IV needles to inject drugs. Best Answer. Oral sex is zero risk for hiv transmission because saliva contains many different proteins and enzymes that render the hiv virus inactive and therefore unable to infect. Most participants in this study never used a condom when giving oral sex (89. Helpful - 1. I went to a swingers club on Saturday evening and received and gave unprotected oral sex with three different women. 04% (reference. Any responses or links to clear information on the distinction between giving and receiving oral (and the associated risks) would be appreaciated. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. info is giving wrong information regarding to oral sex because they do not know the difference between giving oral sex and receiving oral sex. HANSFIELD "And oral sex is basically safe sex -- completely safe with respect to HIV and although not zero risk for other STDs, the chance of infection is far lower than for unprotected vaginal or anal sex. The risk is lower of spreading HIV in this way than through other types of sex but it can still happen and repeated encounters without protection increase the risk. 5 chance in a 1,000,000 from a person receiving oral sex from a HIV+ partner and probably a 1 in a 1,000,000 from giving oral sex to and HIV+ partner. Syphilis and HPV occur less often in the mouth than on the genitals, so the chances of getting those from oral are significantly lower. In regard to reported cases of HIV transmission through receiving oral sex: Realistically speaking, your risks of infection are extremely low. The only way to get HIV is if you did one of the 3. i am also a male what chances i have of hiv. I recently had oral sex with a shemale. In regard to reported cases of HIV transmission through receiving oral sex: Realistically speaking, your risks of infection are extremely low. Skin to skin contact is a way that some std's are transmitted such as herpes, syphilis, or hpv. A wound on the penis that would allow HIV into the blood stream would make it impossibly painful to receive a hand job. damage means minor damage to the mucosa near the coronary groove which healed quickly and now it is the red dot on the glan. Your safe and no testing is required even if she was hiv positive it makes no difference. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient. The purpose of the current study was to investigate oral sexual behavior and factors associated with the use of condoms in oral sex among HIV-infected MSM in China. However, having vaginal fluid or ejaculate in the mouth increases the risk. The risk of getting HIV through oral sex is low, but not non-existent, when a person with HIV does not have fully suppressed viral load. Having said that, the risk of a person with a vagina passing HIV to a person with a penis during insertive sex is much lower than the reverse. Please educate yourself about the real risks. 11%. Fter 3 days of using the cream, I started to. 2. Aralkoshy83. This virus is spread through: -Unprotected anal/vaginal penetrations. Some others suggest that there is an appreciable risk of HIV from oral sex however, there are no convincing scientific reports which support these statements. Essentially zero. FROM THE HIV EXPERTS HERE AT MEDHELP: "As you know from other posts about oral sex, our stance is that giving or receiving oral sex is not a risk for HIV. 2) The standard HIV tests are antibody tests. DR. My ex-girlfriend, recently opened up to me on her HIV status. HANDSFIELD. The mouth is an inhospitable environment for the virus, and saliva inhibits the infectiousness of the virus. The tests turn out everything. Good LUCK. 3. HANSFIELD. You don't need to use a condom for oral sex in regards to HIV prevention. So the direcct answers to your questions are: 1) No, your risks are almost zero from the exposures you describe. i-base. Not one person has ever been infected this way and you are not going to be the first. "As far as HIV is concerned, there is no known risk of getting HIV from performing oral sex on an infected partner, even if that person's genital secretions get into your eyes or if you swallow. Reports document one case of female-to-female transmission of HIV through cunnilingus and another case of female-to-male transmission of HIV through cunnilingus. H. 2) Five weeks is pretty good, but it would be best. Helpful - 1. Close Can I giving someone hiv from receiving oral sex Benwilliamson. The only ways the virus is spread are: -Unprotected anal/vaginal penetrations. Receiving oral sex means you could get gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, genital herpes type 1, and NGU. And you seem to already know that the risk of HIV from oral sex is estimated in the range of 1 in 10,000 for the oral. HIV is not spread by oral sex, giving or receiving, even if sores, gum disease or blood is present. In July I received protected Oral sex from hooker I tested at 6 Weeks hiv and other STD’s were negative however I had flu like symptoms at about 7-8 weeks after the incident should I retest or my 6 wee. A. Dr. Even with cuts or scrapes in. What is more risky & dangerous, the cuts or urethra. LIZZIE LOU. You will agree this isn't very likely. There is no way you can get NGU (an infection in your urethra) from exposure of the skin of your scrotum. Thanks for your question. There's practically no risk of HIV from oral sex, either. 'Only in theory' . Some experts state there is no risk at all from. Symptoms are not used to diagnose HIV and since you had no risk, your symptoms are not related. There is little to no risk of getting or transmitting HIV from oral sex. Oral sex is not a risk for HIV transmission as saliva and air inactivate the virus. Consumption of semen is not the right route to HIV transmission. , sucking or licking) to the penis, the vagina, and/or the anus. Maybe if the escort was the one with the gum issue and performed pral on you your risk might have been very slight. 1. Regarding GIVING oral sex, there have been a handful of documented cases - IN FORTY YEARS. So, the only documented and proven cases of transmission involved unprotected vaginal or anal or sharing IV needles. The oral sex lasted about 10 minutes. Not one person has ever been infected this way and you are not going to be the first. (1) Dear All knowing Alice, Both you and the Columbia AIDS manual note that the risk of AIDS transmission by unprotected cunnilingus is less (at least when the woman's not having her period) than via unprotected anal/vaginal intercourse. D. Again, frottage is no risk for HIV. Viral load. The massager suddently lick my penis for like 10 seconds and then put it in her mouth for like 10 seconds. At the end, when I was leaving, he told me another guy ejaculated in his mouth just two minutes before he started doing oral sex on me. All the best. I am a female and I received oral sex from a male.